A simple thank you will never be enough to express our gratitude for the gift of clean water at Rapha. Life has changed for our community since the well was drilled and the solar pump was installed. Everyone drinks clean water, even our animals! And never again will we be dependent on the unpredictable weather patterns of East Africa. We have begun to irrigate our fields and greenhouse which means our crops will have abundant water year round. We will be able to grow food for our community and grow additional crops to sell to earn income for the Center.
It’s difficult to believe that we survived for so many years, fetching water from the local dam, or paying to have water delivered. There were many challenges, but they truly did make our community stronger, and helped us to have a real appreciation for the incredible blessing of clean water. From everyone at Rapha Community Center, thank you to all who donated, who volunteered to raise money and to the Eleos Project for managing the work from start to finish. See the complete journey in the video below!

Founder & Executive Director