I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the Next Phase Campaign. Our goal of $100,000 was ambitious and we knew achieving that would be difficult. However, the urgency of the work we must do prompted us to aim high. While we we were not as successful as we had hoped, to date we have raised $40,000. We consider this an important step forward.
It’s so easy to become overwhelmed by all we need to accomplish. There are times it all feels like too much of a burden to continue. However, every time I look at the smiling faces of the children at Rapha, when I read the sweet words of gratitude they write to me every year, and when I channel the energy of this grand vision, then that burden becomes lighter and the way forward becomes clear. I will not give up and I know there is an entire community of people who will not give up either. Together we will work to reach our goals so we can improve the lives of as many children as possible. We must construct a new boys’ dormitory as soon as possible.
Here are 3 reasons why we cannot wait:
1. The current building is falling apart. It’s not safe. It’s too small. It’s not a place where any child should live.
2. Constructing a larger building will enable us to take in more orphaned, abused and neglected children.
3. If we do not begin construction on a better facility for our boys, the local children’s office will shut down our children’s home.
We absolutely cannot let that happen! We cannot let the children at Rapha Community Center down. We must continue to raise funds until we reach our first goal. We are $60,000 away. We know that’s a lot. We certainly have a long road ahead, but we know we can, and we must, do it.
With gratitude,

Jennifer Musick Wright
Executive Director & Founder

At this time the boys at Rapha Community Center are living in an unsafe building. The floor is crumbling. The roof is leaking. There is not enough space for all the boys who need help in our community. The situation is extremely urgent. The local authorities have threatened to shut down our entire institution if we do not begin construction on the new facility as soon as possible. We need your help. The total amount we must raise is $100,000. As of July 15, 2019 we have raised $50,000 offline. Please donate today so we can reach our goal of the remaining $50,000. Thank you!