I Witnessed So Much Joy

I Witnessed So Much Joy and Happiness On Sunday I gave gift bags to the children in our community. They haven't received many gifts in their lives. Most of their belongings fit inside a small metal trunk. When I've handed out items before, it's usually things like soccer balls and coloring

The Reminder I Needed

The Reminder I Needed Sometimes this work is simply daunting. There are days when the challenges seem too immense to overcome. There are times when I desperately need a reminder of why it’s so important to continue. Last week that reminder came in the form of a message from the director

The Results Are In…

The Form 4 class at Rapha Secondary School completed their KCSE (Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education) exam in April. This is a national exam that is demanding experience for all students. They are tested in all of their subjects over a period of a month. It’s a measure of their academic success in

Welcome Peter – New Board Member

Please join us in welcoming Peter Hayward to the HEAL Board of Directors. Pete began his career as a Professor of Geography at the State University of New York – Oneonta, where his research focused on using innovative mapping techniques to identify health disparities among underserved populations in the US Northeast. He then

Meet the New Children at Rapha

Meet the New Children at Rapha Community Center (from left to right) Samuel comes from a very vulnerable family. Both of his parents are HIV+ and struggle to work consistently. The family is dependent on help from neighbors and well-wishers, but it is never enough to care for Samuel and his siblings. Samuel

Rapha Community Center is Open!

Rapha Community Center is once again filled with the sights and sounds of children! Our community reopened in January, school resumed and work continued. In just a couple of weeks, our Class 8 and Form 4 students will sit for their national exams. Please send positive thoughts and prayers their way as they

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